defamatory, malicious, fraudulent behaviour or may gross professional misconduct on the part of
the member of the Association. The punishment therefore may be suspension for a fixed period or
expulsion by the approval of GB.
(a) Should any circumstantial contingency arise whereby it may be necessary to wind up the
activities of the IAP. It shall be competent for the General Body by a majority of not less than
3/4th of the members present at the meeting of the General Body to decide whether the
Association be wind up or not. The General Body shall not be competent to distribute the
assets and properties of the IAP to an Institute or
(b) Organisation having similar aim and objects or as the registrar of societies recommends. At
least thirty days notice shall be given to active members of the intention to move the resolution
thereof for dissolution. The notice shall contain all details in the explanatory note annexed to
the Notice.
Provision or Dissolution ofAssociation and adjustment of their affairs:At any time not less
than three-fifth of the members of the Association may determine that it shall be dissolved and
thereupon it shall be dissolved forthwith, or at the time then agreed upon, and all necessary steps
shall be taken for the disposal and settlement of the property of the Association, its claim and
liabilities, according to the rules of the Association applicable thereto, if any and, if not then as the
Governing Body shall find expedient, provided that, in the event of any dispute arising among the
Governing Body or the Members of theAssociation, the adjustment of its affairs shall be referred to
the Principal Court of Original Civil Jurisdiction of the District in which the chief building of the
Association is situate, and Court shall make such order in thematter as it shall deem fit.
The CEC shall appoint special committees to serve the association in a purely for the
purpose of assigned to the committee.
Each of these committees shall include at least one member from the EC who will also act
as coordinating Convenor (If more than one Executive Council member is included, the
senior most member of the CEC from among them will serve as the co-ordinating
Convenor unless he declines to do so). The term of office of the advisory committees shall
be for CEC term. Theymay, however, be reconstituted after a lapse of CEC term.
15.1General Responsibilities
Physiotherapists shall provide honest quality care, competent and accountable
professional consultancy, therapeutic and otherwise, as 1st contact practitioner to any
personwhomay seek or may be in need of the same.
The Physiotherapists shall administer only such treatment that is in the interest of the
patient with the responsibility for the exercise of sound judgment with diligence.
The physiotherapists shall respect the dignity and basic rights of the patients and
professional colleagues.
The physiotherapists shall refer the patient to the appropriate specialists whenever the
problems/symptoms of the diseases of the patient so demand.
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