Stay knowledgeable about differences in cultural and value orientations.
Actively uphold IAP's Ethical Rules &Guidelines when practices that contravene it
become evident.
15.3 In Relationshipwith Students, Scholars, andOtherMembers Shall:
Understand and protect the civil and human rights of all individuals.
Not discriminate with regard to race, colour, national origin, ethnicity, sex, religion, sexual
orientation, marital status, age, political opinion, immigration status, or disability.
Recognise their own cultural and value orientations and be aware of how those orientations
affect their interactions with people fromother cultures.
Demonstrate awareness of, sensitivity to, and respect for other education and practice
systems, values, beliefs, and cultures.
Not exploit, threaten, coerce, or sexually harass others.
Not use one's position to proselytise.
Refrain from invoking governmental or institutional regulations in order to intimidate
patients inmatters not related to their status.
Maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and security of patients' records and of all
communications with treatment program, Members shall secure permission of the
individuals before sharing information with others inside or outside the organisation,
unless disclosure is authorised by law or institutional policy or is mandated by previous
Inform patients of their rights and responsibilities in the context of the institution and the
Respond to inquiries fairly, equitably, and professionally.
Provide accurate, complete, current, and unbiased information.
Refrain from becoming involved in personal relationships with patients when such
relationships might result in either the appearance or the fact of undue influence being
exercised on themaking of professional judgments.
Accept only gifts that are of nominal value and that do not seem intended to influence
professional decisions, while remaining sensitive to the varying significance and
implications of gifts in different cultures.
Identify and provide appropriate referrals for patients who experience unusual levels of
emotional difficulty.
Provide information, orientation, and support services needed to facilitate patient's
adaptation to a new education and practice and cultural environment.
15.4 In Professional Relationships, Members Shall:
Show respect for the diversity of viewpoints among colleagues, just as they show respect
for the diversity of viewpoints among their clients.
Refrain from unjustified or unseemly criticism of fellowmembers, parent organisation and
associating with other organisations with conflicting interest [which makes members and
Use their office, title, and professional associations only for the conduct of official
Uphold agreements when participating in joint activities and give due credit to
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