Dr. Sanjiv Jha- I request all the members to come forward and sit in front. All the students sitting at
the back will just be the observers. Only IAPmembers are supposed to speak. Today we are going to
conduct a special general body meeting and this meeting is in continuation with the previous GB
held Delhi on March 23 and 24 . WCPT has also mentioned some required changes for the
constitutions, for the women cell and changes for the students. All these changes we have
incorporated and that is why we need to conduct this special general body meeting. A copy of the
memorandum is kept here you can see that copy. If you have any questions you can ask them and
then we will move on for the cultural events. I request if any members are sitting at the back can
come forward. Students please be at the back seats. You can listen to the discussions but not allowed
to speak.You'll be just the observers.
I will be sending one register to sign to all themembers so that your attendance can bemarked there.
We will start in a while.
I request to thosemembers who are at the back please come forward - let me tell you the points from
Page no. 45. There are two changes from the last time. One was for patron member. Earlier those
who were not the physios, even they could be the patron member. But now on the guidelines of the
WCPTwe have kept it only for the physiomembers. soNon Physio cannot become Patronmember.
Second change is in the “rules and regulations - kinds of members”, point no.4, International
member, “An individual who is a qualified physiotherapist having 4 years of professional studies,
from a recognised university can become a member of IAP for three years with payment of INR
10,000/- and renewal every 3 years, international members will not have any voting rights.” This is
a changemandate byWCPT.We will have further discussion on it.
There is also a many changes in the process of election. Let me point out some points for the your
convenience. I want to say here that we have taken professional advice also to make this
memorandum as perfect as possible. Earlier we used to have an election officer only appointed by
GB and that election officer used to choose another 4 election officers. Now instead of one election
officer we will be having 5 election officers appointed by GB itself. These 5 election officers will
be forming a committee and when the elections are going to be held in next fewmonths there will be
two retired judges who will be observing and having whole control of the election process. These
are changes made in the Delhi GB.
The minimum of 3 year membership is essential for contesting CEC posts and 5 years for President,
Vice President,General Secretary andTreasurer Post.
However these are not required for State elections whereas District Branches will be elected by
General body of districts.
Then we have a detailed incorporation of state and district branches, their financial affairs and all in
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