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Every member present at the meeting shall have one vote only. All matters unless otherwise
expressly provided for by these Rules shall be decided by a majority of votes. If there is a tie in
voting, the President of the meeting shall have one casting vote in addition to his own vote as a
member. The president of the meeting shall be the sole judge of every year's vote given at the
meeting.Aperson entitled to vote shall not be entitled to appoint a proxy.
(d) Special General BodyMeeting:
The Special General body meeting of theAssociation may be at any time be summoned by
the order of the Central Executive Committee or on requisition signed by at least 10% of
the active ordinary/ Life members of the IAP. Such meeting shall be held within one month
of the date of requisition and shall be held at such time and place as the CECmay decide by
giving onemonth notice.
If the Central Executive Committee fails to hold such a meeting within one month of the
date of receipt of the requisition, the applicants or majority of them may call such a
meeting. Such a meeting if called by the applicants shall be convened and held in the same
manner as other General BodyMeetings and shall be held in such place and on such date as
the applicants may decide. The notice convening such meetings shall specify the object of
the meeting and no other business except that so specified shall be considered. Special
General Body meeting thus convened by the requisition shall be presided by a Chairman,
elected by themembers present.
Whenever it shall appear to the CEC that it is advisable that the aims and objectives
mentioned in it.the memorandum of association for which the IAP has been established be
altered, extended, or abridged, or to amalgamate the IAPeither wholly or partially with any
other Society, the CEC may submit the proposition to the members of the Society, in
written or printed report, andmay convene a Special Meeting for the Consideration there of
according to the regulations herein.
Provided, that no such proposition shall be carried in to effect unless such report shall have
been delivered or sent by post to everymember of the Society one monthbefore the Special
Meeting, convened by the Governing Body for the consideration thereof, nor unless such
proposition shall have been agreed to by the votes of three-fifths of the members, and
confirmed by the votes of three-fifths of the members present at a second Special Meeting
convened by the Governing Body at an interval of onemonth after the formerMeeting.
(e) Business Of TheAnnual GeneralMeeting
Members should sign the register kept outside the Hall before entering for the General Body
Meeting. The business of theAnnual meeting shall be:
To receive the report and progress by the General Secretary which shall include the sub-committees
report also, unless asked by a member before 15 days of the General Body Meeting of the IAP
during the closing year.
To receive and pass the audited statement of accounts shall and other financial Meeting report if any
including assets and liabilities for the closing year.
The report, balance sheet and statement of accounts shall be signed by the President or in his
absence by theVice President, General Secretary andTreasurer.