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the official records of the IAP.
To represent the IAP in all legal matters, to sue and to be sued with information to the
(vii) To operate jointly with the Treasurer, the temporary biennial Account of IAP and also
operate the permanent account of IAPwith President andTreasurer.
(viii) To circulate the agenda of the Executive Committee Meeting to each member of the
Executive Committee at least twenty one days before the proposed date to ascertain the
views of the members who are unable to attend and subsequently to circulate the minutes of
the Executive Council Meeting to all the members of the Executive Committee within
twenty-one days of themeeting.
To circulate the agenda of theAnnual General Meeting and the minutes of the last meeting
to all the members of theAssociation one month in advance of the proposed date ofAnnual
General Meeting.
(x)T To liaison with the Registrar of Societies and the Bank authorities regarding the names and
the addresses of the newoffice bearers immediately after the takeover.
To carry out such other duties entrusted to him/her by the President and the CEC from time
to time.
(xii) To keep an attendance register at the entrance of the General Body Meeting hall and to
ensure that the attendance taken on record in the register of the General Body Meeting
(xiii) To write the minutes of EC and General Body meeting in his/her own handwriting. The
type written copies shall be kept in the custody of the President, General Secretary and the
(xiv) To ensure that every new member who is registered with IAP will receive a single copy of
(xv) To regulate disciplinary proceedings, perks and benefits and appoint an Enquiry
(xvi) To be the custodian of the official seal, negotiable instruments and relevant official
documents including records till he/she hands them over to the subsequent successor at the
time of relinquishing the post of General Secretary.
(D) Joint secretary
The duties and the responsibilities of the joint Secretary subject to the supervision and control of
the General secretary and Central Executive Committee are as follows :-
To organise, regulate, supervise and inspect the various activities of the IAP and to
supervise the general working of IAP in their zone.
To supervise the work of the paid employees of the IAP.
To attend to the correspondence of the IAP .
To ensure that every new member who is enrolled wiith IAP will receive the membership
and other documents.