not receive the copies. The General Body unanimously passed the Minutes of the General Body
Meeting held on 4 February 2018 at Agartala proposed by Dr. Mussarat
and seconded by
Dr.Arindum Seth
Agenda -3:
Passing the minutes of the Special General Body meeting held on 24 March. 2018 at Delhi. and
Bangalore on Ist Feb.2019
President informed that the minutes of the General Body meeting held on 24 March 2018 at Delhi
was circulated in the News Letter December 2018.Copies of the IAPNews Letter, December 2018
and print outs of minutes of Meeting of Bangalore S.G.M is kept in front of the stage for for
reference. The General Body unanimously passed the Minutes of the General Body Meeting held
on 24 March 2018 at Delhi and S.G.Mminutes of Bangalore proposed by Dr.Ruchi and seconded
byDr.Ajit Kumar.
Agenda -4:
Points arising from theminutes.
As there was no specific points raised out of the minutes circulated
Agenda -5:
General Secretary's Report:
Executive President informed that all points related to this report will be considered during the
respective Sub Committee's Report.
Agenda -6:
Treasurer's Report
Dr.AnandMisra said that the audited report of IAP2017-18 circulated in the IAPNews Letter, June
2018. The Audited Report of IAP 2017-18 was passed unanimously, proposed by Dr. R.K. Meena
L-4197 and seconded by Dr.Rajesh Pal, L-20063. Dr.Ravindran, L-9229. Treasurer IAP Mumbai
Branch asked regarding Branch share to IAP Mumbai branch which pending for a long time.
Treasurer said that we have not received any claimafter 2011. Dr.Ravinderan said the letter was sent
to both IAP and there was no reply. Dr.Anand Mishra further added that as the matter was under
dispute, we were not sure from where the Branch share must go and how to merge the account. We
were holding as per our Auditors suggestions and we will discuss with our Auditor and Lawyer
and do the needful as per the advice and provisions. Dr.M.Senthil Kumar asked has the IAP
membership Register merged? Many of our members registered fromMumbai andAhmedabad are
not getting any communications. Dr.Sanjiv K Jha said that the merger work is completed all
registered members registered at Mumbai office andAhmadabad office will be added in to the main
IAPRegister an they can participate in the forth coming IAPElections. The list will be released soon
after confirmation from both office. Dr.Sankaran, L-6272 asked regarding the fund available in
so the minutes of the meetings
were passed.
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