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Neuro Physiotherapy Moving Towards Freedom

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Neuro Physiotherapy Moving Towards Freedom

Very often people with neurological conditions or who have suffered a neurological incident require intense physiotherapy from specialized neurological physiotherapists to address any problems they may develop as a result. Various treatment and ailment programs are conducted by neuro physiotherapist for treatments and have attained drastic postive result for patient suffering from various nuero problems

Neurological conditions are very varied in how they affect people, with no two people having the same problems. It is therefore difficult to give precise details of what treatment will be given. The assessment session will give a picture of the main problems, and this will determine what treatment is most effective. The treatment sessions will also involve an element of on-going assessment, which may result in the treatment being changed.

It is important to be honest with the physiotherapist in how you feel, and what changes you, or your family, have noticed, whether they are improvements or deteriorations. If you have not been able to complete your home exercise/stretches programme, then it is better to say this, so that the physiotherapist will be able to alter you programme, so that you are able to complete it. This will mean you make the best possible recovery/improvement in the quickest possible time. During your assessment, and also during your treatment sessions, the physiotherapist will probably ask you to try things that you find difficult. This is so that the physiotherapist can work out the best way to help you.

The benefits of choosing Physio-Neuro

Treatment To be perfomred by a certified Physiotherapist with extensive experience of treating neurological conditions.
Reasonable and competitive treatment costs.
Both adults and children can be assessed and treated.
Various treatment programmes, utilising a variety of methods, including Bobath, PNF and Functional Rehabilitation.

Some of the neurological conditions Diagnosed areand can be treated by nuero physiotherapist are:

  • Physiotherapy for strokes
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Multiple Sclerosis
  • Guillain Barre Syndrome
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Head injuries
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Dystonia
  • Ataxia
  • Transverse myelitis
  • Post Polio Syndrome
  • Muscular dystrophy
  • Motor Neurone Disease and others.
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