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Back Pain Remedies

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Back Pain Remedies

If you are currently experiencing low back pain, one or two days of rest is indicated. After this short time period, gentle self-care exercises should be started to restore mobility and decrease pain. Since poor posture is a major cause of low back pain, maintaining proper posture is important.

Back pain is among the most common ailments today. Young and old people, working professiona and sport person experience such pains due to various circumstances. They could arise as a result spinal injuries, strenuous activities and muscle complications, postures of sitting, etc. Mild pain can be treated by a simple massage with ointment while persistent suffering requires professional consultations for physiotherapy or even surgery. The extent of damage on the leg and muscle tissue determines the type of treatment. Back pain is common in overweight persons. It is also common in pregnancy due to the overstretched abdominal muscles that leads to lower back pain and pelvic strain.

When low back pain is persistent or interferes with normal activities, a visit to a physical therapist may be necessary. When you go to a physical therapist, he or she will perform an initial evaluation on the first visit. Be prepared to move around quite a bit, so be sure to wear comfortable clothing and make sure that your low back is accessible.

Use a small pillow or towel roll to support the spine while sitting. Remember, if pain prevents you from exercising or if pain persists for more than 2-3 weeks, a visit to a physician, physical therapist, or other health care provider is necessary. You can also opt  various physio and orthopedic products suggested by a physiotherapists.

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