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Cardiac Physiotherapy Rehab

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Cardiac Physiotherapy Rehab

Cardiovascular disease includes conditions such as angina, heart attack and stroke. Heart disease is caused by a gradual build up of fatty deposits in the coronary arteries, causing them to narrow and leading to angina. Around half of patients with CVD have additional health problems, with approximately 30% suffering back pain and arthritis, 21% diabetes, and a further 16% (10,000) having respiratory disease including asthma. Physiotherapy-led CR programmed are clinically effective in reducing mortality, improving health and quality of life, reducing length of hospital stay and reducing the number of hospital re admissions.



Physiotherapy In Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR)

The programmes also support return to work and self-management of the condition.(4) Around 400 physiotherapists lead or work in approximately 395 CR programmes across the globe.The physiotherapists’ experience is invaluable in the assessment of cardiac patients, as many present with non-cardiac conditions such as arthritis, back pain, joint replacements, stroke and respiratory problems.

What is done

  1. Assessment and analysis of patients function and risk stratification for safe exercise
  2. Prescription and evaluation of individual and group exercise programmes
  3. Education about cardiac misconceptions and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease
  4. Long term maintenance strategies and health promotion including activity and lifestyle
  5. Support return to work and previous hobbies/sports
  6. Stress management and practical delivery of relaxation
  7. Holistic patient assessment and appropriate referral/signposting to local amenities

Physiotherapists are key to implementing CR programmes that are equally accessible and relevant to all parts of a population.(1) Physiotherapists can show that exercisefocused CR programmes are far more cost effective than other cardiac interventions, demonstrating an average 25% improvement in fitness levels

Cardiac rehabilitation is an inexpensive treatment that saves lives. It helps heart patients get back on their feet, physically and emotionally, through exercise, education, and support.

Physiotherapists are the profession of choice to lead CR programmes. Their clinical expertise allows them to tailor exercises, deliver public health messages and support individuals to make lifestyle changes, thereby reducing the economic burden on healthcare.

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