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May 2019


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May 2019

This May-2019 issue of the monthly new letter of IAP widely covers the major activities  in past few months. As the election of the IAP is soon due, various notices related with the IAP election is covered in the news letter. IAP conducted the its first corporate conference and some pictorial glimpse of this event is covered in the current month of the IAP newletter. The financial auditing of the IAP was submitted by the treasurer Dr Anand Mishra and is covered in the May-2019 issue of newsletter.

The Monthly published, IAP newsletter is circulated free to all the memeber of  "The Indian Association Of Physiotherapist".






IAP "MAY_2019" covers the Following

 Sno.  Topic  Page #
 01  Central Executive Committee   02
 02  IAP Election Notice & form   04 
 03  Final Memorandum of IAP  11
 04  Special General Body Minutes held on 1st Feb 2019 at Bangalore  35
 05  35 Minutes of the Annual General body meeting of the IAP th held on 13 april 2019 at indore. 43
 05  Audit Report  50



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