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IAP Public Notice - 2010

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IAP Public Notice - 2010

Public Notice was issued on March - 28, 2010 in Times of India  That States

Please take notice that some people or entities are misrepresenting that the Physiotherapist cannot prefix as Dr. are attempting to mislead the public at large whereas the
Physiotherapy is system of therapy/medicine which involves evaluating, diagnosing, and treating a range of diseases, disorders, and disabilities by using physical means. some unauthorized persons are misleading & creating an impression in the minds of general public that we Physiotherapist are involved in prescribing the drugs whereas the same Is very untrue and against our ethics and methods of treatment,

Inthe interest of the public at large we hereby notify that:

1. This public notice has been issued on behalf of the Indian Association of Physiotherapists in the interest of Public at iarge & had no intention to breach any law prevailing in India.

2. Every clinical health care professional writes Dr. before their name as a matter of tradition and convention and no one is allowed to write Dr. before their name if he or she is not having Ph.D. or M.D. as a matter of right. Itis relevant to mention here that we prefix “Dr.” & suffix (P.T.) after the name as per the resolution and we also write physiotherapist clearly. in fact we are the only professionals in Heaith Profession who are using Suffix (Physiotherapist) after the name.

3. Physiotherapists are giving treatment by physical means and they never prescribe any drugs.

4. Physiotherapy is a totally drugiess therapy and a established profession having 4 and half years to 10 years of education in the prescribed course and clinical skills.

5. Physiotherapist is a totally established profession in India & all developed countries like U.S.A, U.K, Canada etc and important component of heaith care delivery system.

6 I.M.A & MCI is having no statutory power to regulate physiotherapy profession in India, hence no right to publish wrong information about physiotherapy as a whole.

7. By this notice |.A.P gives stern warning to all to refrain from defaming physiotherapy and physiotherapists in unauthorized Way.


Published on (Sunday) March 28, 2010 in Times of India.

Dethi Edition on Page No.15; Mumbai Edition on Page No.25; Kolkata Edition Page No.09; Bangalore Edition Page No.14; Chennai Edition Page No.08; Pune Edition Page No.07; Hyderabad Edition Page No.13; Ahmadabad Edition Page No.11;Lucknow Edition Page No.06; Jaipur  Edition Page No.04.

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