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IAP 58 Annual Conference

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58th Annual conference of the "Indian Association of Physiotherapy that started on 6th of March and concluded on 8th of March,2020. The 3 day annual conference was held at  in South India, Historical City Of Mahaballipuram near Chennai (Tamil Nadu). A  highly successful event with physiotherapist from all over India attended the annual conference. The conference was a very successful event. Sessions were held every days that included speeches from various dignitaries and stalwarts of physiotherapy. The event also had a sessions for the IAP members who expressed their idea related to the field of Physiotherapy as a medicine in India. The IAP member hd FAQ session with the committee member and most of their queries related to the Physiotherapy was responded by experienced Physiotherapist from various corners of th India.

The Committee members of the IAP, were part of the meeting that was mainly conducted for the uplift of the the Physiotherapy medicine as education and practising physiotherapist. The meeting of the committee members pivoted around the future growth and road map of IAP in the coming years. The prime focus was given for establishing physiotherapy medicine awareness in India that is comparatively very low as compared to western countries like USA, UK , AUSTRALIA, etc.

IAP women cell also were a big contribution in the success of the annual conference. The women cell of IAP, mainly works on the women empowerment issues nation wide. The awareness of physiotherapy among the females are catered by the Women cell of IAP. The women cell discussed in lenght with the other committee members of the IAP present in the conference for various promotional activities that it conducts and it benefits in women empowerment and also awareness of physiotherapy medicine.

The events facilitated various renowned physiotherapist and social workers that work in the benefits of the physiotherapy society that hs a direct impact on the society, healthy society.


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