Patients assessments comprises a detail study of patients that is deduced from the Q/A session between the the Physiotherapists and the patients. It is important to perform a history and do a focused physical exam to be sure that there aren't any medical risks that would predispose the patient to a medical emergency during the actual procedure. It is also important to talk to the patient to get a feel for the patient's psychological state.
Risk Assessment : A risk assessment is performed for the Q/A session between the patients the physiotherapists. This even involves digging out the medical history of the patients and performing a physical examination. The information gathered as the medical historyis on the basis of risk assessment. A physiotherapist should deeply interact with the patients to attain maximum medical history of the patients.
Following can be the information procured from the patient for their Medical history :
- Was a patient suffering from any systemic diseases
- The records of the previous hospitalizations
- If undergone any srgeries, if yes then its details
- Patients response to anesthetic events
- Existence of any allergies
- All previous medications details
- Any prevalent family histories in can of allergies
- social history
- drug or tobacco use
- Any injuries or accidents leading to orthopaedic treatments of bone fractures.
- Orthopedic surgery details
Physical Examination: During the physical examination a review of systems is conducted, in order to obtain information about specific organ systems. Begin with the basic vital signs including blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and record the height and weight of the patient. A complete physical examination should also include a head, neck, cardiovascular and pulmonary examination. In addition, it is also important to perform an airway test to test the beathing cpndition of the patients.
The focused physical exam should include the following components:
- Test Results
- Assessment of physical, mental and neurological status
- Vital Signs
- Airway Assessment
- Lung Assessment
- CNS and PNS Assessment
- Physical Examination
- Resources
During the history and physical examination, it is also important to ascertain the patient's anxiety level. Some symptoms of anxiety include sweating, pulse rates, heart beats count,etc. A good history is merely confirmed by the physical examination.
Obesety check is also an important physical examination based on the obesety various excersis can be framed considering the obesity of the patient.
Be sure to assess the following:
- Demonstrate and understanding of patients/ rights and consent
- Demonstrate commitment to learning
- Demonstrates ethical, legal and cultural sensitive practice
- Demonstrates teamwork
- Communicates effectively and appropriately - verbal / non verbal
- Demonstrates Clear and accurate documentation
- Conducts an appropriate patient / client interview
- Selects and measures relevant health indicators and outcomes
- Performs appropriate physical assessments procedures
- Appropriately interprets assessment findings
- Identifies and prioritises Patient's problems
- Set realistic short and long terms goals with the patient.
- Select appropriate intervention in collaboration with the patient.
- Performs interventions appropriately
- is an effective educator
- Monitors the effect of interventions
- Progress interventions appropriately
- Undertakes discharge planning
- Applies evidence based practice in patient care
- identifies adverse event / near misses and minimises rink associated wit the assessment and intervention
Dr.Ruchi Varshney
111-B,Pocket-1,Mayur Vihar Phase-1
Delhi -110091 (India)
Tele : 011-40810586.