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What is Neurophysiotherapy?

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Neuro physiotherapy not the only technique but rather a multiple intervention techniques the mainly focus at rehabilitation of patients with disorders and traumas. This aims at treating patients who suffer from disorders that are neurological in nature. The final destination of this treatment is to support and alleviate the symptoms and make life easier for those who have these disorders. This is achieved by providing all support to patients in restoring motor movement and functions that may have been impaired through issues that affect the systems that control the bodies motor skills.

The Nuerophysiotherapy does not limit to just one method, but various methods. Each methods with a goal to enhance motor control movement and improve muscle activity. To improve motor control, the goal of these exercises is to encourage a movement response and help the patient strengthen the affected muscles and nerves that were affected. Some of the most common exercise programs used in neuro physiotherapy are tapping, brushing, cryotherapy, passive stretching, joint compression and vibration therapy.

Neuro Physiotherapy aims to identify and maximise movement potential and your quality of life. The treatment programs is generally customised as per needs based on the goals identified during initial assessment session of the patients.

Following can be some of the treatment programs 

  • Education
  • Training
  • Posture awareness
  • Strengthening
  • Stretching,
  • Sitting balance
  • Standing balance
  • Walking practice