Physiotherapy helps people of all ages who have medical conditions, illnesses or injuries that hinder their healthy regular life and movements. A customised program for each patients is developed as per the needs. These programs aids in a recovery, and encourage activities and lifestyle changes that can help prevent further injury and improve overall health and well being.The complete recovery process can be time taking--depending on the seriousness of the medical condition.
Physiotherapy improve or treat a range of conditions associated with various body systems such as Neurological, Neuro-musculoskeletal, cardiac, respiratory and other systems. This medical science can bring relief in case of strokes, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, back pain, arthritis, sports related injuries, chronic heart disease, asthma, cystic fibrosis and post-operative rehabilitation
Some of the reasons why physiotherapy is necessary are listed below
- Pain Redcution or Elimination.
- To Refrain from surgeries.
- Better Mobility of body movements.
- Stroke Recovery.
- Recovery from sports injury and Prevention.
- Improving Body Balance & Prevent Falls.
- Manage diabetes and vascular conditions.
- Manage heart and lung disease.
- Manage women’s health and other conditions
It is predicted that by 2050 combined senior and geriatric global population will number some 2.1 billion people. As a person ages, various medical issue arise most common with ageing people are aches and pains. To ensure a happy, healthy life requires being active and exercising that is what physiotherapy mainly covers. Physiotherapy is a way of making this possible for elderly people.
Dr.Ruchi Varshney
111-B,Pocket-1,Mayur Vihar Phase-1
Delhi -110091 (India)
Tele : 011-40810586.