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IAP-Assam: Mission Vision

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All of us to come together and work towards upliftment of our profession in this part of region with a vision, mission and values and strategic plans.

We will dedicate to make a difference in the lives of our members, student, patients and the communities we serve by continuous professional development of our members and students, reach out to the community and ensure satisfaction of patient and promote scientific enquiry, felicitating the students and physiotherapists for sustained motivation towards excellence in education , practice and research.

i. Work towards pay enhancement in the government sector and private sectors.
ii. Liaison with physiotherapists serving in private hospitals, institutions and clinics for working towards professional security.
iii. Upgradation of grade of physiotherapists in government sector.
iv. Organize hands on workshop, conferences and professional development courses using our state resources to bring financial prosperity to the state IAP along with academic and educational benefits for the students and professionals.
v. Start a minimal annual subscription to create a contingency / emergency fund for IAP registered physiotherapists in Assam.
vi. Maintain a database for voluntary blood donors for all of our members and families.
vii. Organize meeting at least twice a year in the state.
viii. Appoint district level co-ordinators to encourage public awareness through different mass awareness programmes.
ix. Continue in our Endeavour for formation of state council to regulate physiotherapy practice throughout our state.
x. Seeking your support for the promises we make, to you we will be forever grateful