The IAP Branch of Andhra has the following mission
i. To pursue government to create new jobs for physiotherapists
ii. To develop leaders from the students and young physios
iii. To build IAP AP State Bhavan
iv. To streamline academics and clinical practice by developing standardisations
v. To build a strong student wing
vi. To pursue health insurance companies to cover physiotherapy outpatient services in clinics
The IAP Branch of Andhra has the following vision
i. To make Physiotherapy as a best healthcare profession
ii. To actively work for the welfare of physiotherapists and patients
iii. To uphold the rights of physiotherapists b.
Dr.Ruchi Varshney
111-B,Pocket-1,Mayur Vihar Phase-1
Delhi -110091 (India)
Tele : 011-40810586.